Encrypted Calls
SIST service solution is built up on technology of several leveled encrypted protocol for voice transmission and so called a signaling call that is composed of many independent technologies special designed for data encryption. Thanks to this the eavesdropping probability is eliminated to zero. Other solution using only or one or two, but the same, technologies cannot be considered for safety. It is generally known that many encrypting protocols contains so called backdoor allowing to decipher the transferred data by a special key in a real time.
Our SIST technology is based on several years of experiences and development of an encrypting protocol that does not contain any backdoor and which is absolutely trustful for our clients.
The complete technology background is not public, we can provide you more specify information if you ask for it.
Technical parameters:
- The primary encryption layer is encrypted: AES-256 with 2048 bit key
- The secondary encryption protocol: TLS
- Checking on the basis of IP addresses
- The discontinuity between the user and the line number
- The call is never dialed directly between two devices (participants cannot be detected)
SIST application is compatible with OS Android, MS Windows; we are working on the application for Apple iPhone and iPad. We prefer application independent on companies stores, e.g. Google, Apple or Microsoft because our goal is not to show SIST structure to anybody.
The application is specified mainly for an assisted installation; our technicians will install encryption certificates and will configure the application in a device. At the same time we strictly do not recommend to distribute encryption certificates through the Internet. The safety of your encryption certificates is highly important for the application and for its safe trouble-free function.
We prefer to install phones, PBXs (private branch exchange) and other components in your office under your supervision.
You can hire a smart phone with SIST application so you can try how SIST works, how to handle it and what advantages it brings to you.
We offer to buy the Red Phone - a smart phone with an adjusted operational system, with the installed SIST application, that does not allow any installation of others applications or software and therefore it is resistant to viruses, Trojan horses, spywares etc.
It is not important to secure only the content, but also it is very important to secure participants of the communication. Common security application cannot encrypt participant and so the secure level is about 50 %. At the customer's request we supply a complex encryption PBX - BlackBox - which ensures 100 % protection against eavesdropping and maximum safety of a communication.
Unlike others encryption technologies we encrypt the intradepartmental table phones and fax communication. The encryption application communication security is supplied for a wide portfolio of smart phones, tablets etc.
The encryption starts before the connection beginning; the encrypting continues during the communication and the encrypting is finished after the communication ends.
Communication lines are secured against unauthorized manipulation for the whole time of the connection. In case attempts of change of data route, heads of packets changes attempts or other attempts for eavesdropping are discovered, the communication is immediately terminated and all communication keys are deleted. Communication keys are deleted from both server and client's device.
1 Encrypted Call
There are indirectly connected two devices during the encrypted call. The connection is encrypted for the whole time; there is no possibility to eavesdrop or to track the connection.
2 Encrypted Text Messages
Text messages are encrypted for the whole transfer time. There is no possibility to track or read anything. The communication is done through the intermediary - no one can see any text, any sender, and any receiver.
3 Encrypted Video-conferences
Video-conferences transfer is encrypted for the whole time. Encrypted video-conference allows the transfer of sensitive information on-line via video without any possibility to detect participants of the communication.
4 Supported Devices
Smart Phones
- Custom native application SIST
Table phones
- Any table VoIP phones
- We supply a special encryption module
- Custom native application SIST
- Encrypting SW
- We supply a special encryption module
Desktop PC
- Encrypting SW
- We supply a special encryption module
5 Contact List
SIST application works with its own contact list that does not affect your existing contact list in your smart phone.
6 Encrypting PBX BlackBox
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PBX BlackBox is a private branch exchange placed directly at customer; a service is provided and realized by SIST. The access to PBX from Internet is permitted; PBX is completely separated from Internet by firewalls (you can connect to the PBX just only via encrypted tunnels). PBX is fully controlled by the customer, who has 100 % guarantees that there is no eavesdropping possibility. PBX BlackBox offers the highest security level! There are also hybrid PBX available - your intradepartmental communication is encrypted, moreover you can use it for public calls. The advantage is that no one is able to trace you intradepartmental communication, all participants of the intradepartmental communication are protected. |
7 Encrypting Module
Encrypting Module is a special device with a proprietary operational system which encrypts all the communication. The operational system is protected against viruses or rootkits infiltration.
A powerful processor and a processor's native backup encryption allows the usage of high sophisticated cipher safety securing your communication.
Also for this system we do not use common available encrypting algorithms with master keys. This modul is also used for the Encrypted Internet and the Encrypted Data Transfers.
For SIST Encrypted Call we supply:
- Encrypted smart phones
- Encrypting application for OS Android (tablet, phones)
- Encrypting PBX (BlackBox at customer)
- Virtual encrypting PBX
- Encrypting module for table VoIP phones
- Encrypting module for Wi-Fi VoIP phones
- Encrypting module for desktop PC